51881 Villager Parkway

Pool Phone Number 574-347-4350

Pool Manager: Carol Tretheway 

Hours: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm, daily 

Guards: Guarded swim from open to close, except for 15 minute breaks before the top of each hour. 

Guards: In the event of a guard shortage, the pool will remain open with unguarded Family Swim.  

Required Forms: All members must have a current Pool Emergency Form on file at the pool house. Printed copies are available at the pool house. 

We are currently accepting additions to the waitlist for 2025 Outside Memberships. You must contact our pool chair, Cincy Borne at cincy8083@comcast.net to be added to the waitlist.
Please do NOT Venmo us a payment to sign up. Instead, please wait for Cincy to contact you when the waitlist opens up.  

THE FARMINGTON SQUARE POOL is open daily from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Lifeguards are on duty from open to close (11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.), except for 15-minute break times before the top of each hour. If there is a shortage of lifeguards there will be unguarded Family Swim.

The pool typically closes if the air temperature drops below 68 degrees. Please check our neighborhood Facebook Page newsfeed for updates about irregular hours due to weather.

All members must have a current Pool Emergency Form on file at the pool house. Please print, complete, and return. For your convenience, printed copies are also available at the pool house from opening day to closing day. 

Anyone not 100% potty-trained must wear a swim diaper. By state law, minors under the age of 14 must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian 18 years or older.

GUESTS: Up to four guests per member family are welcome at each visit. Members must be present at the pool with their guests at all times. 

Guest fees are $2.00 per guest. At the time of entry, members must register their guests and pay all guest fees with exact cash or via Venmo to @Farmington-Square. No IOUs will be accepted. There are no fees for out-of-town house guests or the grandchildren of pool members. 

Four guests at a time are allowed per member family. Guests exceeding this number must be planned as a party to ensure we have staffed the legally required number of guards per swimmer. 

POOL PARTIES: To host a pool party, a Pool Party Agreement Form must be on file at least 48 hours in advance of the party date.

RULES: A complete list of pool rules can be found by clicking here.  

Soccer Field

Tennis Courts

Basketball Hoop


The Farmington Square pool, tennis courts, basket ball hoop, playground, and soccer field are for the exclusive use of members of the Farmington Square Homeowner's Association and paid members.