Farmington Square HOA

P.O. Box 6085, South Bend, IN 46660


Public Facebook Page:

Private Facebook Group for Residents of FSQ:
Search FB for "Farmington Square Neighbors"

Email List: Sign U

Payment Options for Dues:
Mail check to P. O. Box 6085, South Bend , IN 46660. Checks should be made out the Farmington Square Homeowners Association OR Venmo @Farmington-Square.

Farmington Square Pool 

51881 Villager Parkway, Granger, IN 46530

Pool House Phone Number: 574-347-4350
This number is only answered during our pool season.


Membership: Cincy Borne coordinates outside, paid memberships. We are currently accepting additions to the waitlist for memberships for the 2025 pool season. Please do NOT Venmo us a payment to sign up. You must contact Cincy Borne at to be added to the waitlist. 

Pool Updates:

Payment Option for Guests and Parties:
Venmo @Farmington-Square or Exact Cash

Officers and Board Members

Vacancy, President

Dianna Leinen, Vice President

Vacancy, Treasurer

Vacancy, Secretary

Cincy Borne

Elaine Komjathy

Mike Trennery

Committee Chairs and Volunteers

Cincy Borne, Pool Chair

Vacancy, Events Chair

Dianna Leinen, Communications Chair

Allison Nijim, Welcome Committee Chair

Vacancy, Grounds Chair


Kelley Nease, Bookkeeper

Carol Trethaway, Pool Manager


Pool Monitors and Attendants